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Community Policing
On September 24, 1998, the Board of trustees of The Village of Maywood adopted Community Policing as the policing philosophy for the Village of Maywood. This document sets forth the Maywood Police Department’s Policing Philosophy - “Community Policing”. This policing style is designed to bring about improvements in the areas of management, service delivery and effectiveness. Based upon an overview of the concerns of the citizens of Maywood, elected and appointed officials and Police officials, this policing style provides guidance by which the Department will strengthen its many positive attributes. With input from the public and Department personnel, this policing style lays the foundation for substantive improvements in all aspects of the Department’s operations and serves as a public statement by the Department on its goals and objectives for improvement.

Defining Community Policing
Community Policing is a philosophy which guides and directs the delivery of police services throughout the Village of Maywood. As a philosophy, Community Policing seeks to incorporate the Department’s values into a responsive policing style which is dependent upon the quality of the day to day interaction between the police and public.

The key to defining Community Policing resides in the ability to recognize the need to establish rapport between police officers and the citizens they serve. It is the nature of this rapport between the officers and the citizens that defines the quality of their relationship. It is through these relationships, either established while answering a call for service or in meeting with citizens when not answering a call that the officer can begin to identify and think about the most salient service delivery needs in the neighborhoods.

The concept of Community Policing can best be defined as follows:
  • Community Policing is an interactive process between police officers and citizens to mutually develop ways to identify problems and concerns and then assess viable solutions by providing available resources from both the police department and the neighborhoods to address the problems and/or concerns.
  • The Community Policing concept helps to clarify responsibilities for both parties as they attempt to identify and resolve problems in the neighborhoods. Community Policing, therefore, must involve continuous planning and adjustments by both police officers and citizens living in the neighborhoods.
  • The role of the police officer will be enhanced as a result of the increased interaction with the citizen. Officers become involved actively in the decision making process regarding the identification, prioritization and selection of resolution for identified problems or concerns. Additionally, because of the officers’ interaction with citizens, they gain an excellent position to determine what resources could be obtained to address neighborhood problems or concerns.
Because the officers become familiar with citizens who live or work in the neighborhood, they are in an ideal position to implement programs or take other actions to improve the quality of life within the neighborhoods.

Maywood Police Explorer Post No. 100
The Maywood Police Explorer Post No. 100 is a youth-based organization that began in December 1997.   The Explorer Program was designed for young people ages 14-20 years old that have an interest in law enforcement. The purpose of this program is to educate and involve young people in the police operations and to give them insight into law enforcement as a possible career. Through the program, youth have the opportunity to become involved in community-based projects that enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world. The experience gained through the program helps to prepare young people to assume leadership roles in the future.  In recent years, the Maywood Police Explorers have participated in several community projects that have earned them recognition and praise from the Mayor and Board of Trustees.  For more information about the Maywood Police Explorer Post No. 100 Program, please contact Community Resource Liaison Carmen Rivera at 708-450-4409.

Maywood Community Public Safety (formerly M.A.P.S.)
Success for the Maywood Police Department and the Village is determined, in part, by the quality of the relationship and trust that exists between Department Personnel and residents of the community. To help build trust and a greater spirit of cooperation, the Maywood Police Department has undertaken several initiatives, including a heightened commitment to community public safety.  For questions and more information, please contact the Maywood Police Department at 708-450-4471 or 4409.

Myths vs Facts - The Truth about Red Light Running RLR Cameras
Click here for the facts.

Important Notification - Truck Weight Limits 
A new weight limit sign has been posted by the Illinois Department of Transportation regarding weight limits on any and all trucks traveling over the bridge at 1st Avenue and 290 Expressway.  The limits are as follow:
  • 12 tons per axle
  • 41 tons total weight
  • NO trucks over 8000 lbs. are allowed to travel on 9th Avenue between Roosevelt and Chicago Avenue.
Truck Weight Limits Information 

Notification sign-up